Sunday, 4 April 2010

Monday 6 th July 2009: some supercells.

After work I waited for two thunderstorms coming from Belgium. The enhanced shear would do them good.
I started near the road N3 between highway A15- A16. An impressive updraft formed closeby. This evening I witnessed several cells with SC characteristics and probably some funnel formation. The chase ended near a place called "Ochten". 
More reports - also from wallclouds- came out of the rest of Holland.
Report from Dutch website of MeteoConsult:

Estofex update:
"... France, parts of Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg...

The level-1 was enlarged as dew points in the mid tens continue to surge northeastwards beneath increasingly colder mid-levels. Daytime driven convection is already in progress althoug updrafts still look quite small and disorganized on the radar. However, better instability release during the afternoon hours ought to increase the risk of isolated large hail and severe wind gusts, especially over Belgium and the Netherlands as LL shear strengthens.   "